In need of an emergency stain removal? Follow these steps.
What to do for a spill or stain.
1. Determine what kind of carpet or fabric you have. If wool, do not rub.
2. What has been spilled?
- Paint, tar, gum or grease - Use a solvent and towel to remove.
- Liquid - Dilute with warm water and blot with cotton towel.
- Ink - Cover with baking soda and towel, but do not rub. Call Dalton immediately.
- Pet stains - Dilute with warm water and blot with cotton towel.
- Wax - Call us for specific instructions.
Some things to remember:
- Never use hot water or paper towels to clean, and avoid vigorous rubbing.
- A machine clear-water rinse-extraction will prevent gradual re-soiling of an area after chemicals have been used to remove spots.
- Call Dalton with questions. We've got the answers!
Dalton Commercial Cleaning - The trusted name and only original family of Dalton Carpet Cleaners since 1948.